
Murray, S. O., Seczon, D. L., Pettet, M., Rea, H. M., Woodard, K. M., Kolodny, T., & Webb, S. J. (2024). Increased alpha power in autistic adults: Relation to sensory behaviors and cortical volume. Autism Research, 1–14. [pdf]
​Leonard, B., Woodard, K., Murray, S.O. (2024) Failures in Perspective-taking of Multimodal AI Systems. arxiv. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Kolodny, T., Webb, S.J. (2024) Linking cortical surface area to computational properties in human visual perception. iScience, 27(8). [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Leonard, B. (2024) Spatial representations in multimodal AI systems. Paper presented at the Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Workshop, CVPR, Seattle WA. [pdf]
​Fan, X., Kolodny, T., Woodard, K. M., Tasevac, A., Ganz, W. R., Rea, H. M., Kurtz-Nelson, E. C., Webb, S. J., & Murray, S. O. (2023). Rhythmic attentional sampling in autism. Autism Research, 1–10. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Kolodny, T., Schallmo, M. P., Gerdts, J., Bernier, R. A. (2020) Late fMRI Response Components Are Altered in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 241. [pdf]
Schallmo, M. P., Kolodny, T., Kale, A. M., Millin, R., Flevaris, A. V., Edden, R. A., ... & Murray, S. O. (2020). Weaker neural suppression in autism. Nature Communications. [pdf]
Kolodny, T., Schallmo, M. P., Gerdts, J., Edden, R. A., Bernier, R. A., & Murray, S. O. (2020). Concentrations of Cortical GABA and Glutamate in Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research. [pdf]
Kolodny, T., Schallmo, M. P., Gerdts, J., Bernier, R. A., & Murray, S. O. (2020). Response dissociation in hierarchical cortical circuits: a unique feature of autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(11), 2269-2281. [pdf]
Mikkelsen, Mark, et al. "Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites." NeuroImage (2019). [pdf]
Schallmo, M.P., Kale, A.M. and Murray, S.O. (2019). The time course of different surround suppression mechanisms. Journal of Vision, 19(4), pp.12-12. [pdf]
Schallmo, M.P., Millin, R., Kale, A.M., Kolodny, T., Edden, R.A., Bernier, R.A. and Murray, S.O. (2019). Glutamatergic facilitation of neural responses in MT enhances motion perception in humans. NeuroImage, 184, pp.925-931. [pdf]
Millin, R., Kolodny, T., Flevaris, A.V., Kale, A.M., Schallmo, M.P., Gerdts, J., Bernier, R.A. and Murray, S.O. (2018). Reduced auditory cortical adaptation in autism spectrum disorder. eLife, 7, p.e36493. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Schallmo, M.P., Kolodny, T., Millin, R., Kale, A., Thomas, P., Rammsayer, T.H., Troche, S.J., Bernier, R.A. and Tadin, D., (2018). Sex differences in visual motion processing. Current Biology, 28(17), pp.2794-2799. [pdf]
Schallmo, M. P., Kale, A. M., Millin, R., Flevaris, A. V., Brkanac, Z., Edden, R. A., ... & Murray, S. O. (2018). Suppression and facilitation of human neural responses. eLife, 7, e30334. [pdf]
Mikkelsen, M., Barker, P. B., Bhattacharyya, P. K., Brix, M. K., Buur, P. F., Cecil, K. M., ... & Dacko, M. (2017). Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites. NeuroImage, 159, 32-45. [pdf]
Schallmo, M.P., Murray, S.O. (2016) Identifying separate components of surround suppression. Journal of Vision 16 (1), 1-12. [pdf]
Flevaris, A., Murray, S.O. (2015) Attention determines contextual enhancement versus suppression in human primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 35(35): 12273-80. [pdf]
Binda, P., Murray, S.O. (2015) Spatial attention increases the pupillary response to light changes. Journal of Vision. 15 (2), 1-13. [pdf]
Flevaris, A., Murray, S.O. (2015) Feature-based attention modulates surround suppression. Journal of Vision. 15 (1), 1-11. [pdf]
Flevaris, A., Murray, S.O. (2015) Orientation-specific surround suppression in primary visual cortex varies as a function of autistic tendency. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 1-9. [pdf]
Lin, Z., Murray, S.O. (2015) Automaticity of unconscious response inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 144 (1), 244-54. [pdf]
Lin, Z., Murray, S.O. (2015). More power to the unconscious: Conscious, but not unconscious, exogenous attention requires location variation. Psychology Science. 26 (2), 221-30. [pdf]
Binda, P., Murray, S.O. (2015) Keeping a large-pupilled eye on high-level visual processing. Trends in Cognitive Science. 19 (1), 1-3. [pdf]
Binda, P., Pereverzeva, M. Murray, S.O. (2014) Pupil size reflects the focus of feature-based attention. Journal of Neurophysiology 112(12). [pdf]
Pereverzeva, M., Murray, S.O. (2014) Luminance gradient configuration determines perceived lightness in a simple geometric illusion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 1-5. [pdf]
Ni, A.M., Murray, S.O. Horwitz, G.D. (2014). Object-centered shifts of receptive field positions in monkey primary visual cortex. Current Biology. 24(14): 1653-8 *** Co-senior author with Greg Horwtiz. Research was conducted in Dr. Horwitz’s lab under our joint direction. [pdf]
Joo, S.J., Murray, S.O. (2014) Contextual effects in human visual cortex depend on surface structure. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111(9):1783-91. [pdf]
Lin, Z., Murray, S. O. (2014). Priming of awareness, or how not to measure visual awareness. Journal of Vision 14(1). [pdf]
Lin Z., Murray S.O. (2014) Unconscious processing of an abstract concept. Psychological Science. 25(1):296-8. [pdf]
Lin Z., Murray S.O. (2013) Visible propagation from invisible exogenous cueing. Journal of Vision, 13(11), 1-15. [pdf]
Binda P., Pereverzeva, M., Murray S.O. (2013) Attention to bright surfaces enhances the pupillary light reflex. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(5) 2199-2204. [pdf]
Binda P., Pereverzeva, M., Murray S.O. (2013) Pupil constrictions to photographs of the sun. Journal of Vision 13(6). [pdf]
Runeson, E., Boynton G.M., Murray S.O. (2013) Effects of task and attentional selection on responses in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 109 2606-2617. [pdf]
Joo S.J., Boynton G.M., Murray S.O. (2012) Long-range, pattern-dependent contextual effects in early human visual cortex. Current Biology. 22(9):781-6. [pdf​]
Lin J.Y., Hubert-Wallander B., Murray S.O., Boynton G.M. 2011. Rapid and reflexive feature-based attention. Journal of Vision. 11(12). [pdf]
(R)Kersten D., Murray S.O. 2010. Vision: when does looking bigger mean seeing better? Current Biology 20(9):398-9. [pdf]
Boyaci H., Fang F., Murray S.O., Kersten D. 2010. Perceptual grouping-dependent lightness processing in human early visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 10(9):4. [pdf]
Lin, J.Y., Pype, A.D., Murray, S.O., Boynton, G. (2010). Enhanced memory for scenes presented at behaviorally relevant points in times. PLoS Biology. 8(3):e1000337. [pdf]
Lin, J.Y., Murray, S.O., Boynton, G. (2009) Capture of attention to threatening stimuli without perceptual awareness. Current Biology. 19(13):1-5. [pdf]
Pereverzeva, M., Murray, S.O. (2009) Distant background information strongly affects lightness perception in dynamic displays. Journal of Vision. 9(2): 1-10. [pdf]
Liu Y, Murray SO, Jagadeesh B. (2009) Time course and stimulus dependence of repetition-induced response suppression in inferotemporal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 101(1):418-36. [pdf]
Fang, F., Boyaci, H. Kersten, D., Murray, S.O. (2008) Attention-dependent representation of a size illusion in human V1. Current Biology. 18(21):1707-1712. [pdf]
Pereverzeva, M., Murrray, S.O. (2008) Neural activity in human V1 correlates with dynamic lightness induction. Journal of Vision. 8(15):8.1-10. [pdf]
Murray, S.O. (2008) The effects of spatial attention in early human visual cortex are stimulus independent. Journal of Vision. 8(10):1-11. [pdf]
Fang, F., Kersten, D., Murray, S.O. (2008) Perceptual grouping and inverse fMRI activity patterns in human visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 8(7):1-9. [pdf]
Hegde, J., Fang, F. Murray, S.O., Kersten, D. (2008) Preferential responses to occluded objects in the human visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 8(4):1-16. [pdf]
Boyaci H, Fang F, Murray SO, Kersten D. (2007) Responses to lightness variations in early human visual cortex. Current Biology, 17, 989-93. [pdf]
Fang, F., Murray, S.O., He, S. (2007) Duration-dependent FMRI adaptation and distributed viewer-centered face representation in human visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1402-11. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., He, S. (2006) Contrast-invariance in the human lateral occipital complex depends on attention. Current Biology. 16, 606-611. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Olman, C.A., Kersten, D. (2006) Spatially specific fMRI repetition effects in human primary visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 95:2439-2445. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Boyaci, H., Kersten, D. (2006) The representation of perceived angular size in human primary visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 9:429-434. [pdf]
Fang, F., Murray, S.O., Kersten, D., He, S. (2005) Orientation-tuned adaptation in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94:4188-4195. [pdf]
Murray, S.O. (2005). Attention and changes in neural selectivity. In: Itti, Rees, Tsotsos Eds. Neurobiology of Attention. San Diego, CA:Elsevier. [pdf]
Murray, S.O. Schrater, P., Kersten, D. (2004). Perceptual grouping and the interactions between visual cortical areas. Neural Networks. 17(5-6):695-705. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Wojciulik, E. (2004) Attention increases neural selectivity in the human lateral occipital complex. Nature Neuroscience. 7(1): 70-74. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Olshausen, B.A., Woods, D.L. (2003) Processing shape, motion, and three-dimensional shape-from-motion in the human visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 13(5):508-16. [pdf]
Murray, S.O., Kersten, D., Olshausen, B.A., Schrater, P., Woods, D.L. (2002) Shape perception reduces activity in human primary visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 99(23):15164-9. [pdf]
Han S., Weaver, J.A., Murray, S.O., Kang X., Yund, W., Woods, D.L. (2002) Hemispheric asymmetry in global/local processing: effects of stimulus position and spatial frequency. NeuroImage. 17(3):1290-9. [pdf]